Design for Tangible, Embedded and Networked Technologies









Designing from, with and by Data: Introducing the ablative framework 

Chris Speed, Jon Oberlander 

University of Edinburgh (2)

Keywords: design, data, informatics, framework


This paper introduces a framework for designers in which existing methodologies can be placed in order to better acknowledge how they work with data in different ways to support their practice. The paper starts by distinguishing three kinds of value associated with data: (i) raw measurements; (ii) commercial and social; and (iii) moral and ethical. We then note that changes in computing and communications technologies serve to de-emphasise computers as devices, and re- emphasise the flow of data between people, machines, and things; thus, we share the view that human-data interaction is a key challenge for designers. In addressing the challenge, we introduce the framework for designers to distinguish design from, with, and by data. We note that informatics provides the theory for, and technologies of, information processing, while design provides the methods to adapt and create products and services. The paper uses case studies to illustrate our approach. 

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Cite this paper: Speed, C. Oberlander, J. (2016). Designing from, with and by Data: Introducing the ablative framework. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.

This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme

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