Connecting diversities: migration, social innovation and design

Ezio manzini, carla cipolla, lorraine gamman, adam thorpe, virginia tassinari

DESIS Network (2), University of the Arts London (2), LUCA Arts


Keywords: migration, social innovation, collaboration, interpersonal encounters

Conversation Overview

Europe is and will be in the next decades, the place-to-go for several millions people. The challenge is to think this perspective not as a threat, but as an opportunity. That is, to imagine how migration can become a driver of innovation towards a younger, dynamic, cosmopolitan and, at the end of the day, more resilient Europe. The migration issue is here to stay in Europe and worldwide. This conversation will focus on the European context, but its results, in terms of design problems and research directions could have a more general value. This conversation goes in this direction: “Connecting diversities” is an exploration, done from a design perspective, of how collaboration between migrants and residents can strengthen the social fabric.

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download conversation Proposal (PDF). No report is available.

This conversation took place on Wednesday 29th June at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme


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