This Time it's personal

Lucy Klippan, Mieke van der Bijl-brouwer, marcus wilcocks, tasman munro

University of Technology Sydney, University of the Arts London


Keywords: experience of design, storytelling, personal experience, sharing

Conversation Overview

We designers often use storytelling to put ourselves 'in another person’s shoes', to try and see the world from a user’s perspective. The process helps us to understand both the user and the context in a new way and therefore design a better product or service for them. So what could we learn about design by turning the lens back on ourselves? This is the focus of our session, as we share stories about the confronting, challenging, pleasurable or distressing situations we find ourselves in, as designers, and how we have navigated through each one – often relying on intuition to do so. Each of the four catalysts will share a story and participants are invited to share stories of their own. 

This conversation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.

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This conversation took place on Tuesday 28th June at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme


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